Michael Hsu, the acting head of the U.s. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, hopes to address gaps in the supervision of companies dealing with cryptocurrencies.

In published comments before the Federal Reserve Depository financial institution of Philadelphia on Tuesday, Hsu called for consolidated supervision for crypto firms in which regulators or an authorized group could acquit oversight of a company and its subsidiaries to mitigate risk. According to Hsu, the current landscape allows holding companies engaging in crypto activities to potentially avoid regulations through subsidiaries.

"No crypto business firm is subject to comprehensive consolidated supervision," said Hsu. "This means that there are gaps in supervision, and risks can build out of the sight and reach of regulators."

Hsu said this arroyo would require more cooperation from both federal and country regulators, with "less regulatory contest" and "more interdependence." As a starting indicate, he suggested the OCC could lead the fashion in determining "where the line for comprehensive, consolidated supervision should lie" and how to implement it, merely added the chore was larger than any single regulatory agency to handle:

"If we can ascertain synthetic cyberbanking, determine which crypto activities should be separated, and identify the attributes of crypto firms warranting consolidated supervision, nosotros may be able to atmosphere the excesses of the smash-bust-reform cycle. The goal is not to stop business cycles, simply to maintain trust."

The OCC head has previously called for the industry to apply "lessons from the 2008 crisis" to potentially avoid some of the risks associated with crypto as the number of users continues to abound in the United States. He cited an unregulated subsidiary of insurance giant American International Grouping — center stage in the fiscal crisis — as an issue that might have been avoided with consolidated supervision.

Related: Opposition mounts to Biden'southward OCC pick, fears she could 'regulate crypto into oblivion'

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen designated Hsu equally the interim OCC head in May, but President Joe Biden has since picked quondam policy counselor Saule Omarova to lead the establishment. Omarova will be speaking before the Senate Cyberbanking Committee on Th equally part of her nomination.